
IKON heating diesel fuel is a high quality, affordable and environmentally friendly 

Your continued use permits the conservation and protection of the entire heating system, reducing the review and maintenance costs.

IKON heating diesel is an environmentally friendly fuel as it reaches performance levels higher than other conventional diesel, thus, reduce the particulate emissions to the atmosphere



  • Security: Diesel fuel IKON heating fuel is safe because its flash point is above 60 ° C as opposed to gaseous fuels.
  • Ecology: It’s a friendly fuel to the environment by reducing the emission of gases and particles during combustion .



  • Anticorrosive: Diesel Heating IKON has anticorrosive properties, protecting the metal parts through which fuel from the storage tank to the burner
  • Cold Behavior: Improving the performance of the bmidstreamer at low temperatures, avoiding the formation of paraffins, which generate the intermittent stops of the bmidstreamer.




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